There are many ways to evolve Pokemon across the various generations, whether by friendship, experience, or other methods. The following tables list all the Pokemon that evolve using items in some way.
All Pokemon That Evolve When an Item is Used
The following tables list every Pokemon that evolves when an item is used on it directly from the Trainer’s bag.
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Moon Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Nidorina | Nidoqueen |
Nidorino | Nidoking |
Clefairy | Clefable |
Jigglypuff | Wigglytuff |
Skitty | Delcatty |
Munna | Musharna |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Water Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Poliwhirl | Poliwrath |
Shellder | Cloyster |
Staryu | Starmie |
Eevee | Vaporeon |
Lombre | Ludicolo |
Panpour | Simipour |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Thunder Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Pikachu | Raichu or Alolan Raichu |
Magneton | Magnezone |
Eevee | Jolteon |
Nosepass | Probopass |
Eelektrik | Eelektross |
Charjabug | Vikavolt |
Tadbulb | Bellibolt |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Fire Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Vulpix | Ninetales |
Growlithe | Arcanine |
Hisuian Growlithe | Hisuian Arcanine |
Eevee | Flareon |
Pansear | Simisear |
Capsakid | Scovillain |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Leaf Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Gloom | Vileplume |
Weepinbell | Victreebel |
Exeggcute | Exeggutor or Alolan Exeggutor |
Hisuian Voltorb | Hisuian Electrode |
Eevee | Leafeon |
Nuzleaf | Shiftry |
Pansage | Simisage |
Throughout this guide are Pokemon that can evolve using different methods in different games. For example, Eevee can evolve into Leafeon when leveling it up near a mossy rock in some games, and Feebas can evolve into Milotic when leveling it up when its beauty Contest stat is high in certain games. These tables list the most recent item evolution methods as of Scarlet and Violet.
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Sun Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Gloom | Bellossom |
Sunkern | Sunflora |
Cottonee | Whimsicott |
Petilil | Lilligant or Hisuian Lilligant |
Helioptile | Heliolisk |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Dusk Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Murkrow | Honchkrow |
Misdreavus | Mismagius |
Lampent | Chandelure |
Doublade | Aegislash |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Shiny Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Togetic | Togekiss |
Roselia | Roserade |
Minccino | Cinccino |
Floette | Florges |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Dawn Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Kirlia (male) | Gallade |
Snorunt (female) | Froslass |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using an Ice Stone

Pokemon | Evolution |
Alolan Sandshrew | Alolan Sandslash |
Alolan Vulpix | Alolan Ninetales |
Eevee | Glaceon |
Galarian Darumaka | Galarian Darmanitan |
Crabrawler | Crabominable |
Cetoddle | Cetitan |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Linking Cord in Legends: Arceus
The Linking Cord is used in Legends: Arceus to evolve Pokemon that would normally evolve when traded. Not all trade evolution Pokemon use the Linking Cord; instead, only the Pokemon that are found in Legends: Arceus can use it.
Pokemon | Evolution |
Kadabra | Alakazam |
Machoke | Machamp |
Graveler | Golem |
Haunter | Gengar |
All Pokemon That Evolve Using a Specialized Item
The following Pokemon each have their own item that is used to evolve them.
Pokemon | Evolution Item | Evolution |
Scyther | Black Augurite | Kleavor |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarica Cuff | Galarian Slowbro |
Galarian Slowpoke | Galarica Wreath | Galarian Slowking |
Ursaring | Peat Block (use during a full moon) | Ursaluna |
Applin | Tart Apple | Flapple |
Applin | Sweet Apple | Appletun |
Applin | Syrupt Apple | Dipplin |
Sinistea (Phony Form) | Cracked Pot | Polteageist (Phony Form) |
Sinistea (Antique Form) | Chipped Pot | Polteageist (Antique Form) |
Duraludon | Metal Alloy | Archaludon |
Kubfu | Scroll of Darkness | Urshifu (Single Strike Form) |
Kubfu | Scroll of Waters | Urshifu (Rapid Strike Form) |
Charcadet | Auspicious Armor | Armarouge |
Charcadet | Malicious Armor | Ceruledge |
Poltchageist (Counterfeit Form) | Unremarkable Teacup | Sinistcha (Unremarkable Form) |
Poltchageist (Artisan Form) | Masterpiece Teacup | Sinistcha (Masterpiece Form) |
All Pokemon That Evolve When Holding an Item

The following table lists every Pokemon that evolves when it holds a certain item and meets a secondary requirement.
Any of the Pokemon in the following table that can be found in Legends: Arceus will evolve when the listed item is used on them directly from the Trainer’s bag, since items cannot be held in that game.
Pokemon | Held Item | Additional Requirement | Evolution |
Poliwhirl | King’s Rock | Trade | Politoed |
Slowpoke | King’s Rock | Trade | Slowking |
Onix | Metal Coat | Trade | Steelix |
Rhydon | Protector | Trade | Rhyperior |
Seadra | Dragon Scale | Trade | Kingdra |
Scyther | Metal Coat | Trade | Scizor |
Electabuzz | Electirizer | Trade | Electivire |
Magmar | Magmarizer | Trade | Magmortar |
Porygon | Upgrade | Trade | Porygon2 |
| |||
Gligar | Razor Fang | Level up at night | Gliscor |
Sneasel | Razor Claw | Level up at night | Weavile |
Hisuian Sneasel | Razor Claw | Level up during the day | Sneasler |
Porygon2 | Dubious Disc | Trade | Porygon-Z |
Feebas | Prism Scale | Trade | Milotic |
Dusclops | Reaper Cloth | Trade | Dusknoir |
Clamperl | Deep Sea Tooth | Trade | Huntail |
Clamperl | Deep Sea Scale | Trade | Gorebyss |
Happiny | Oval Stone | Level up during the day | Chansey |
Spritzee | Sachet | Trade | Aromatisse |
Swirlix | Whipped Dream | Trade | Slurpuff |
Milcery | Strawberry Sweet Love Sweet Berry Sweet Clover Sweet Flower Sweet Star Sweet Ribbon Sweet | Spin your Trainer (while Milcery is in your party) | Alcremie |
The item held by Milcery determines the decorations of Alcremie when it evolves. The direction you spin, how long you spin for, and the time of day when you spin will affect the cream, or body color, making Alcremie the Pokemon with the highest number of different forms to obtain.