As you visit the capital of Vernworth for the first time, you or your Pawns will likely spot a ladder on a balcony just past The Guardhouse. Here’s how to reach the ladder near The Guardhouse in Vernworth in Dragon’s Dogma 2 and what awaits you at the top.

How to Reach the Ladder By Vernworth’s Guardhouse in Dragon’s Dogma 2
To reach the balcony where the ladder is in Vernworth in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll need to climb up from the right-hand side. Look to the right of the balcony, and you’ll see an unlit oven with a crate next to it; you’ll be able to climb onto the crate but not onto the oven to reach the balcony. The only way I’ve found to get on top of the oven so you can climb onto the balcony is to use Mage’s Levitate Core Skill.

Jump onto the crate, use Levitate to magic yourself onto the oven, then hop up onto the balcony and climb the ladder. Here, you’ll reach another balcony with a chest on; open the chest to get three Jaspers. If you don’t know what to do with the precious gem, check out our guide on how to use Jasper in Dragon’s Dogma 2. There are a couple of different options to choose from!
If you don’t have Levitate unlocked, you can do so at a Vocation Guild once you’ve reached Mage Vocation Rank 3 using 400 Discipline Points (or DCP), which you get from killing enemies and completing quests. If you’re not a Mage, you can unlock the Vocation at a Vocation Guild using DCP, though you will need to get it to Rank 3 to unlock the Levitate Core Skill.

I’d definitely recommend going for this chest if you haven’t yet because even if you simply choose to sell them, they go for a good amount of gold, which you’ll need this early on in Dragon’s Dogma 2.