Pax Dei has a similar progression system you often see in survival crafting games. You’ll get some of the basic tools and encounter some sturdier objects where your tools aren’t strong enough to farm. Upgrading your tools to the next tier is necessary to farm these objects or resources so you can unlock new recipes and become stronger.
How to Craft Better Chopping Axes in Pax Dei

If you have ever encountered some trees being “too hard” when chopping them with an axe, the only solution is to craft a better one. These items actually have some stats on them, and the ones you are looking for are the ones with Woodcutting.
The first level of chopping axe, or the Gneiss Chopping Axe, doesn’t have any stats, so they are basically the baseline for chopping trees. Once you have unlocked the Weaponsmith Workbench, you’ll see some new weapons and tools to craft.
The best chopping axe for chopping trees is the Iron Chopping Axe which needs 1 Long Wood Stock and 1 Iron Axe Head. You can craft the Iron Axe Head using the Stone Anvil. The Iron Chopping Axe has a 5 Block Rating, 6 Wood Cutting, and 7 Slash stats.
If you don’t have materials to craft this, you can go for the Tempered Battle Axe or the Rugged Hatchet. Both items have more Woodcutting stats than the basic chopping axe, and you can also use them in battle.
Crafting any of these items will require hundreds of Iron Ores, so you need to prioritize the Furnace crafts. You’ll also need to get as many Charcoal as possible to smelt all those Iron Ores into Iron Ingots, too. If you built your base near the mountain ranges, you should be fine. It is one of the best starting locations for beginners just because of its Iron Ore supplies.
How to Craft Better Pickaxes in Pax Dei

For mining pickaxes, there’s only one option, which is the Iron Pickaxe. You need 1 Long Wood Stock and 2 Iron Bars, which are way easier to craft than the ingredients for the Iron Chopping Axe. However, you’ll need to build up your Blacksmithing skills to craft the item or else you’ll keep failing your crafts.
I highly suggest crafting the other recipes that require Iron Ingots until you can make the crafts “very easy” or at least yellow. You can risk crafting one when it is orange, but if they are red, you are just throwing away materials at this point.